Monday 25 August 2008

Tom Cruise and the Nazi Film

More lawsuit news - injured extras from the as-yet unreleased Tom Cruise film 'Nazi Film' Valkyrie (yes, the one they're already talking about being 'cursed') are to sue United Studios for $6 million in damages. It's said the legal action could delay the release of the film yet again.

It's claimed that eleven extras, still wearing their Wehrmacht uniforms, were sent to hospital with an array of injuries, ranging from bumps and bruises to broken ribs and pulled ligaments. They were hurt when riding in a lorry.

The film ran into trouble in Germany when swastikas were hung in Berlin for key shots. Later, whole scenes had to be re-shot when reels of film were accidentally destroyed in the lab during processing.

Screen tests with tame audiences are already indicating the movie is a disaster, and frantic efforts have been made to re-edit it.

Much of the official German distaste for the film is actually connected to Cruise's Scientology. Scientology is reviled in Germany because it falls within a strict post WWII legal remit to address the issue of cults, sects and fascist interludes. Now why would those nice Scientologists be subject to such strictures?

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